5 Questions Asheville Home Buyers Have During the Coronavirus Outbreak, Answered

Everyone is being affected in some manner by the outbreak of Covid-19 Coronavirus. During this time, buyers will have more questions than normal about the home buying process and their ability to buy a new home. While we can’t predict what the next few weeks and months will bring, the more we can educate ourselves, the better we can help buyers in the Asheville area navigate the buying process smoothly during the pandemic. Here are a few common buyer questions as they related to the Coronavirus outbreak and real estate answered.

1. Can we still go see home listings in person? – This is the hardest question to answer and it will depend on the home, the seller, the agent and any fast-changing governmental policies put in place. Agents should be able to offer a Zoom, Skype or Face Time home tour virtually, especially for a vacant home. Talk to your agent to find out what they have available for the buyers to pre-screen the home virtually before setting up the visit; they might have virtual tours already available which can help rule out those that don’t suit their needs.  Match up with an Asheville Realty Group agent here.

2. How can I stay safe while visiting homes? – Everyone’s health has to be the priority; this includes the buyers, sellers, and agents. If you are going to see a home in-person during this time, carry hand sanitizer and wipes to use before, during and after the tour. Also, consider wearing a face mask.  Drive separately from your agent meet at the homes. During the tour, designate one person to open doors, drawers, and closets and use disposable gloves during the showing.  Our agents at Asheville Realty Group are prepared to take these measures to do our part in keeping everyone safe.

3. What happens if I lose my job during the escrow period? –Most real estate contracts include a contingency that protects the buyer in the event they can’t get final loan approval and close the loan. Typically during the process, this contingency is  removed after a set time frame, or after receiving the loan approval. Since every aspect of real estate is negotiable, consider asking for the contingency deadline to be extended and in place until the close; talk through this aspect with the seller and their agent in advance to set the right expectation.

4. Will I still have access to the home during the escrow period? – It’s very common for the buyer to have easy access to the home during the escrow period; home inspections, appraisals and just measuring are all reasons to visit the home during escrow. Consider grouping these activities whenever possible.

5. Will I get a better deal if I wait to buy a new home? – We all know there’s no crystal ball, but with everything that’s going on, sellers on the market should be very motivated to sell. There are also historically low-interest rates on home loans. There is no way to predict the future, so if the right home comes along, it makes sense to consider it.

As we continue to navigate life through these uncharted times of a global pandemic we want you to know that Asheville Realty Group is here to serve you, our community members.  We realize that home buying and selling is essential and we will continue offering personal and high quality real estate expertise while keeping everyone’s safety as a top priority.  We are here for you!

Blog compiled by Erin Secretarski, an agent at Asheville Realty Group
Buying During Coronavirus

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Asheville Realty Group is a boutique brokerage firm offering full-service real estate services. We have locally experienced agents who specialize in residential homes, luxury homes, country-side acreage and everything in between. We love Asheville and the surrounding mountain communities that we call home!

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