Average Cost of Living in Asheville NC and More in the July Newsletter
In 2014, the average cost of living in Asheville NC hovered just over the national average. The Asheville metro area is comprised of four counties: Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, and Madison. To get the latest data on average cost of living in each of these counties and the cost of living in the Asheville NC metro as a whole, Click here.
Determine how other cities compare to Asheville’s cost of living using this Cost of Living Calculator.
Buncombe County and Asheville NC Demographics
The Asheville NC metro population is made up of four counties. With than 245,000 residents, Buncombe County makes up 57% of the total population in the Asheville NC metro. In Buncombe County, 32.6% of the population age 25 or older held either a bachelor or graduate degree, compared to the national average at 28.3%. Click for a PDF report of current County Demographics information.
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