You’ve been hearing it for many months now: it’s a seller's market in Asheville. But what exactly is a seller's market? Is it just a term to make buyers feel anxious and put forth their best offer? Or are there objective criteria that determine whether it’s a balanced market or one tilted toward …
Market Reports
Find the BEST REALTOR® to sell your home
How you find the BEST REALTOR® to sell your home: We’ve been hearing it all over the country, and especially in Asheville. It’s still a Seller’s market! And you, being ever so savvy, have decided now is the best time to sell your home. You’ve decluttered, deep cleaned, planted flowers and prepped. …
Housing Cost Savings in Retirement
As you prepare for retirement, it’s natural to consider ways to reduce your housing costs. Retirement should be a time of fun and freedom; finding housing cost savings in retirement will give you more resources to enhance your lifestyle and make the most of it! Here are a few suggestions to help …