A lot of money goes into buying a new house in Asheville so it is understandable if you feel hesitant investing even more money to fix up your current house prior to selling. However, sellers may not realize that some of the issues they live with every day and consider minor, such as the hallway …
Selling a Home
Simple Spring Cleaning Tips
Spring has sprung in Asheville! The trees and flowers are starting to bloom, and the temperatures are climbing. The sun is shining and it’s time to open up the windows in your home and get to a little spring cleaning! A good deep cleaning session is not only beneficial to you and your family but …
Rid Your Asheville Home of Mold and Mildew
When you think “rainforest,” you probably imagine tropical destinations along the equator. Asheville North Carolina is surrounded by the Appalachian Mountains, which are actually considered a temperate rainforest. The wet, humid climate can be a cause for mold and mildew problems in homes in …